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Data Design

Source Datasets and Data model.


map5topo is composed of multiple (open) datasets. The aim is to fit these all into a single model, (feature) classification and DB-schema.

This is an ongoing process. The name of the (PostGIS) schema is map5. Tables in this schema are filled with data from other schemas/tables that contain the various (vector) sources like OpenStreetMap, BRT, BRK, BGT, BAG etc. SQL scripts are used for this transformation.

Some similar work, common data schemas from various source datasets:

Most approaches apply hierarchical feature classification: OMT uses class, subclass, PDOK Vector Tiles Pilot uses "Level-Of-Detail": lod1, lod2 etc. We like the latter convention as it allows an endless hierarchy (and is short to type!).

The image below depicts the map5-schema approach. (Click image to enlarge).

map5 schema overview


Although reclassification has been exercised in many mapping projects like the ones mentioned above, the extra challenge here is that completely disjunct datasets are used: Dutch Key Registries (BAG, BGT, BRT etc) and OpenStreetMap. Even among Dutch Key registries very different feature classification schemes are in place. For example 'Terrain' (Dutch: 'Terrein') differs in classification among Top10NL and BGT and even is different from Top50NL. Also geometries often do not align, as they originate from different sources and surveying methods, e.g. OpenStreetMap and key registries like BRT and BGT. Geometry-misalignment is even the case among Dutch key-registries, most notably between BRT and BGT. Though work is underway in BRT.Next.

An additional challenge is that the extent of the map includes neighbouring countries. The map of The Netherlands does not stop at its country-borders! For neighbouring countries, only data from OpenStreetMap is available now. Later, local datasets and hillshading from these countries may be added. The aim is to develop the map from a completely integrated dataset (tables, layers, styles), i.e. from the "map5 schema". There are no separate tables/layers/styles for neighbouring countries. Hint: the 'trick' is to mark each record with an abroad boolean attribute (see below).

In summary these are the challenges:

map5 challenges


A hierarchical classification is applied, similar to animal and plants classification. Later, i.s.o. class, subclass "Level-Of-Detail": lod1, lod2 will be used.

map5 classification

Common Data Structure

Each table will follow a common data structure design.

map5 common data structure

As many features will have specific properties like surface, oneway, bridge (roads), names, population (places), intermittent (water), these are implemented with feature-specific columns.

Tables will be implemented as in image below.

map5 common table structure

So in summary each table in the map5 schema has a similar setup, i.e. columns:

    -- table-specific columns, usually classifications, area, population etc 


    -- Relative height
    z_index INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

    -- min and maxzoom in Dutch RD
    -- when to show an object on the map
    rdz_min INTEGER, 
    rdz_max INTEGER, 

    -- Where the data record originates from
    src_schema TEXT,
    src_table TEXT,
    src_idref TEXT,

    -- Is the object in NL or outside (abroad)?

    -- Geometry in Dutch EPSG

Many tables will contain a classification, like for Landcover or POIs. This is a typical table structure:

CREATE TABLE map5.landcover (
    lod1 TEXT,
    lod2 TEXT,
    lod3 TEXT,
    area BIGINT DEFAULT 0,

    -- Common columns
    z_index INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    rdz_min INTEGER DEFAULT -1,
    rdz_max INTEGER DEFAULT 13,
    src_schema TEXT,
    src_table TEXT,
    src_idref TEXT,
    geom GEOMETRY(POLYGON, 28992)

Here lod1 through lod3 provide an hierarchical classification of the feature. The value-ranges for these columns/attributes are defined per feature type. Each source dataset-specific classification is mapped to these value ranges. Usually lod1 and lod2 is sufficient, sometimes only lod1.

For example: lod1: trees, lod2: broadleaved|pine|mixed. lod3 contains usually the source-specific value like naaldbos, mainly for debugging or refined styling.

The image below summarizes this table design. (Click image to enlarge).

map5 schema samples

Feature Sets

This is the list of map5topo feature sets. Criteria/guidelines:

  • Each feature set is a (PostGIS) table.
  • Some tables may expand to multiple Layers. For example transport: Regular, Tunnels and Bridges.
  • Each feature set/table always has a single geometry type.
  • Sometimes multiple tables for same feature type, for example: transport and transport_area.
  • Some, like housenumber, which are in effect labels, are separate feature sets because of the sheer set's size.
  • For some names the geometry type is implicit, like poi (point).
  • No plural naming like borders, parcels.
  • Each record contains metadata on its source origin object: source -dataset, -table, -identifier.
  • Each record has a "zoom range", i.e. a min and max zoomlevel in which it should be rendered.
  • Multiple geometry simplifications/generalizations of the same feature (thus source-id) may thus appear in single table.
  • DEM (Heights): hillshade is not table-based, but separate GeoTIFF raster data.
  • DEM (Heights): contour lines are vector data thus table-based.

The list below is not fixed, subject to change based on new insights, or data items that do not fit in any set.

  • area_label - point - any that has a name (except house numbers, transport, water)
  • border - multipolygon - administrative borders
  • contour_line - line - height lines (derived from DEM)
  • grid - line - grid lines in map (standard Kadaster RD km lines)
  • housenumber - point - clear, also house names
  • landcover - polygon - mostly ground level earth covering ("aardbedekking")
  • landuse - polygon - functional use of land, like military areas, graveyards, parks
  • parcel - line - borders of cadastral parcels
  • pitch - polygon - mainly sports pitches - special case of landuse, styled with overlay SVG
  • place - point - names of cities, towns up to hamlets
  • poi - point - Points of Interest
  • seamark - point - navigation aids for water traffic like buoys, beacons and lighthouses, (Dutch: "vaarwegmarkeringen")
  • structure - polygon - anything human-built from buildings/houses up to civil tech structures
  • structure_line - line - barriers, fences, powerlines
  • transport - line - transportation infrastructure: roads, trails, railways, aeroways, ferries etc
  • transport_area - polygon - transportation infrastructure areas, road areas, aerodromes, aprons
  • valley_label - line - curved labels for valleys (only a few)
  • water - multipolygon - water polygons
  • water_label - line - water names formed/curved by shapes of waterbodies.
  • waterway - line - water lines
  • waterway_label - line - waterway names for line-based waterways like rivers and streams


  • aeroway like aerodromes (polygon) is always a separate feature set, why? Is here part of transport_area.
  • to add to this: aeroway lines are now part of transport
  • label sets are based on their type: labels for areas (point), water bodies and valleys (generated curved lines), waterways (line).


The map5 schema will be populated using SQL as the ETL tool. This is for now simple and quickly to adapt.

map5 ETL

The table-SQL for the ETL can be found here.

Zoom-specific Selection

Each table may contain multiple geometry generalizations (simplifications) for the same object. Per record the zoomlevel range is specified with rdz_min-rdz_max. Mapnik always provides a scaledenominator when accessing a Layer. Via the SQL Function rdz() this scaledenominator is converted to an RD Zoomlevel (range 1-13, equal to WebMerc 6-18) that is used in the query on that Layer. This way only the relevant records for that zoomlevel are selected.

Many zoom-ranges also have VIEWs, for example for analysis. If needed, for performance, PostgreSQL materialized VIEWs may be applied. But at least data for a single feature type, usually a layer, is not spread over multiple tables now.

For example a VIEW for low-zoom Terrain:

CREATE VIEW map5.landcover_z0_z3 AS SELECT
FROM map5.landcover lc WHERE lc.rdz_min >= 0 AND lc.rdz_max <= 3;

This also works for Web Mercator tiles as scale-ranges are shared, see e.g.


<!ENTITY maxscale_zoom15_rd10 "<MaxScaleDenominator>20000</MaxScaleDenominator>">
<!ENTITY minscale_zoom15_rd10 "<MinScaleDenominator>10000</MinScaleDenominator>">
<!ENTITY maxscale_zoom16_rd11 "<MaxScaleDenominator>10000</MaxScaleDenominator>">
<!ENTITY minscale_zoom16_rd11 "<MinScaleDenominator>5000</MinScaleDenominator>">

Using these common ranges allows parallel zoomlevels: for example RD level 11 is 16 in Web Mercator. RD level 13 is WM level 18, the highest level etc. Usually zoom WM = Zoom RD +5.


The map area includes data from countries both bordering (Germany, Belgium) and in vicinity (Northern France) of The Netherlands. By intersecting a (multi)polygon that contains The Netherlands' borders, in each OSM-record can be marked as located abroad or not This is realized through a simple boolean column, aptly called abroad. For data from Dutch Key Registries, the fixed abroad value is False.

OSM Source Data

OSM data is downloaded from, and comprises:

  # The Netherlands

  # Abroad 

  # Sea

"The Netherlands" and "Abroad" and stitched together using Osmosis. "Water" data is basically sea, with exception of Oosterschelde. These are directly converted, using GDAL ogr2ogr, to PostgreSQL PGDump files for quick reuse.

Example Landcover

The image below shows an example for the table map5.landcover ("Landcover" and "Landuse" are separated).

map5 schema example

The figure shows the table structure and the hierarchical classification: lod1 and lod2 and their values. This table is filled from various source tables like BGT and BRT (all "terrain"-related) but also OSM.

Also an excerpt from the map5.landcover.sql ETL is shown, for mapping records from BRT Top50NL. This mapping is an ongoing process, as the lod-hierarchy needs to be established and mapped from very different source datasets. Even Dutch Topographic datasets like BRT (smallscale) and BGT (largescale) have very different feature classification schemes. Also none of the source datasets seems to get the difference between "Landcover" and "Landuse" right. For example, "orchard" or "graveyard": are these Landcover or Landuse? This is also an ongoing discussion in the OSM Community, as this recent Landcover proposal shows.


Each record within tables in the map5 database schema contains its source schema/table and visibility zoom-range. This allows for generating metadata such that this information can be made available per zoomlevel, but also other statistical information like the number of records (at that zoom-level) from a particular source table.

This is exactly what the map5.metadata table beholds. As part of the ETL (SQL) that fills map5. tables from thir source schemas/tables, a utility SQL function will also insert (replace) records in map5.metadata. The image below shows the generic setup.

map5 metadata design

Below an example query: "Show me all information for zoomlevel RD 12 that is not abroad".

map5 metadata query

Below is the SQL function called at the end of each map5. table generation, that extracts the relevant metadata records from that table.

map5 schema query

Below are actual classification values, lod1 and lod2 (lod3 is currently only used for original value/tags) for each table.

table_name lod1 lod2
area_label administrative
area_label junction exit
area_label junction interchange
area_label natural
area_label other
landcover agriculture arable
landcover agriculture orchard
landcover agriculture pastoral
landcover bare bare
landcover bare reed
landcover bare urban
landcover bare yard
landcover greenery grass
landcover greenery scrub
landcover heath heath
landcover sand reed
landcover sand sand
landcover trees deciduous
landcover trees mixed
landcover trees pine
landcover wetland bare
landcover wetland reed
landcover wetland scrub
landcover wetland tidalflat
landuse cemetery
landuse military
landuse nature_reserve
landuse parking
landuse sport
poi amenity hospital
poi distance hm
poi distance km
poi height
poi historic castle
poi historic city_gate
poi historic monument
poi natural tree
poi place_of_worship major
poi place_of_worship shed
poi place_of_worship wayside_chapel
poi place_of_worship wayside_shrine
poi station bus
poi station metro
poi station other
poi station railway
poi station tram
poi structure beach_pole
poi structure gate
poi structure marker_pole
poi structure power_generator
poi structure powertower
poi structure windmill
poi tourism camp_site
seamark beacon beacon_cardinal
seamark beacon beacon_isolated_danger
seamark beacon beacon_lateral
seamark beacon beacon_special_purpose
seamark buoy buoy_cardinal
seamark buoy buoy_lateral
seamark buoy buoy_safe_water
seamark buoy buoy_special_purpose
seamark light light_float
seamark light light_major
seamark light light_minor
structure building
structure building_addon
structure civil_tech
structure other_building
structure power_generator
structure waterholder
structure_line barrier ditch
structure_line barrier fence
structure_line barrier gate
structure_line barrier hedge
structure_line barrier other
structure_line barrier wall
structure_line powerline cable
structure_line powerline major
structure_line powerline minor
structure_line powerline other
structure_line powerline portal
transport aerialway cable_car
transport aerialway chair_lift
transport aerialway drag_lift
transport aerialway gondola
transport aerialway goods
transport aerialway j-bar
transport aerialway magic_carpet
transport aerialway platter
transport aerialway rope_tow
transport aerialway station
transport aerialway t-bar
transport aerialway yes
transport aerialway zip_line
transport aeroway abandoned
transport aeroway aerodrome_marking
transport aeroway airstrip
transport aeroway holding_position
transport aeroway jet_bridge
transport aeroway model_runway
transport aeroway navigationaid
transport aeroway parking_position
transport aeroway razed
transport aeroway runway
transport aeroway stopway
transport aeroway taxilane
transport aeroway taxiway
transport rail blockpost
transport rail construction
transport rail crane
transport rail crane_rail
transport rail crossing
transport rail demolished
transport rail dismantled
transport rail disused
transport rail fuel
transport rail funicular
transport rail historic
transport rail hyperloop
transport rail light_rail
transport rail loading_rack
transport rail loading_ramp
transport rail miniature
transport rail model
transport rail modeltrain
transport rail monorail
transport rail narrow_gauge
transport rail no
transport rail platform
transport rail platform_edge
transport rail platform_marker
transport rail preserved
transport rail proposed
transport rail rail
transport rail razed
transport rail route
transport rail signal_box
transport rail signal_bridge
transport rail subway
transport rail tram
transport rail tram_stop
transport rail traverser
transport rail turntable
transport rail ventilation_shaft
transport rail yard
transport rail yes
transport road cycleway
transport road footway
transport road future
transport road motorway
transport road motorway_link
transport road other
transport road path
transport road pedestrian
transport road primary
transport road primary_link
transport road residential
transport road secondary
transport road secondary_link
transport road service
transport road tertiary
transport road tertiary_link
transport road trunk
transport road trunk_link
transport road unclassified
transport route ferry
transport trail bridleway
transport trail busway
transport trail cycleway
transport trail mtb
transport trail path
transport trail steps
transport trail track
transport_area aeroway aerodrome
transport_area aeroway airstrip
transport_area aeroway apron
transport_area aeroway deicing_pad
transport_area aeroway fuel
transport_area aeroway helipad
transport_area aeroway heliport
transport_area aeroway marking
transport_area aeroway model_runway
transport_area aeroway paragliding_landing_site
transport_area aeroway parking_position
transport_area aeroway runway
transport_area aeroway signal area
transport_area aeroway signal_area
transport_area aeroway signal_square
transport_area aeroway taxilane
transport_area aeroway taxiway
transport_area bridge_part support
transport_area bridge_part surface
transport_area motorized baan voor vliegverkeer
transport_area motorized inrit
transport_area motorized living_street
transport_area motorized parkeervlak
transport_area motorized raceway
transport_area motorized residential
transport_area motorized rijbaan autosnelweg
transport_area motorized rijbaan autoweg
transport_area motorized rijbaan lokale weg
transport_area motorized rijbaan regionale weg
transport_area motorized service
transport_area motorized track
transport_area other 1
transport_area other OV-baan
transport_area other berm
transport_area other bridleway
transport_area other construction
transport_area other corridor
transport_area other crossing
transport_area other cycleway
transport_area other elevator
transport_area other emergency_access_point
transport_area other fietspad
transport_area other island
transport_area other overweg
transport_area other passing_place
transport_area other proposed
transport_area other ruiterpad
transport_area other spoorbaan
transport_area other tertiary
transport_area other traffic_island
transport_area other turntable
transport_area other unclassified
transport_area other verkeerseiland
transport_area pedestrian bus_stop
transport_area pedestrian footway
transport_area pedestrian path
transport_area pedestrian pedestrian
transport_area pedestrian platform
transport_area pedestrian rest_area
transport_area pedestrian services
transport_area pedestrian steps
transport_area pedestrian voetgangersgebied
transport_area pedestrian voetpad
transport_area pedestrian voetpad op trap
transport_area pedestrian woonerf
water basin
water lake
water other
water river
water sea
water_label bayaxis bay
water_label lakeaxis basin
water_label lakeaxis reservoir
water_label lakeaxis water
water_label straitaxis strait
waterway canal
waterway ditch
waterway drain
waterway other
waterway river
waterway stream
waterway weir
waterway_label canal
waterway_label ditch
waterway_label drain
waterway_label fairway
waterway_label river
waterway_label stream
📅 Created 1 year ago ✏️ Updated 5 days ago